Malachite Healing Services

Discover more about me and Malachite Healing.

Hi, I am so glad you're here.

My name is Pam Melling and my focus is on ensuring families are supported through pregnancy, childbirth and the early stages of starting a family. 

I am Hawkesbury based but life started for me at the top of the New England region NSW, in a small country village. 

I am happily married, have 2 gorgeous children who are now adults and both in healthy relationships. I am blessed with 2 beautiful grandchildren, who I see regularly. I have many varied interests –reading, being in nature – I feel a real affinity with trees, yes, I hug them to feel their energy.

After I completed my RN training, I moved to the city and worked until I completed my midwifery training. I have loved working as a midwife since. My other qualifications include a postgraduate diploma of advanced Midwifery – primary health, Lactation Consultant and I am trained in Mental Health First Aid.

As I evolved with experience, I became a trained experienced Reiki Master and Hypnobirthing Australia certified facilitator. 

Over the years, I became aware of the increase of women who come into the hospital for birth, who are fearful, anxious, and who have the inability to advocate for their own care. When in this state – women are in fight, flight and freeze state. This is known as an acute stress response to perceived harm. 

The body and brain perceive a threat and it releases catecholamines, adrenaline being one of these hormones. This occurrence impacts on the body and inhibits its ability to give birth efficiently. This is not conducive to a calm and natural labour. Women’s bodies function more efficiently when they feel nurtured, loved, secure, safe, and calm. This results in a positive experience rather than a negative one.

With this observation and realisation– I trained as a practitioner for Positive birth and Positive Caesarean Birth with Hypnobirthing Australia. Hypnobirthing Australia is a unique and comprehensive antenatal education program catering to Australian parent’s needs. I also offer Lactation Consultancy services. 

These programs provide evidence-based information, providing a huge array of knowledge, skills and confidence needed to have a calm and nurturing birth. There is access to face-to-face sessions which run over 12 hours in total. The course contains and provides high-quality resources. 

Birth should be a positive experience – one that you will always want to remember – not need to forget.

Noting the increasing fear and anxiety and increasing occurrence of birth trauma – I trained as a practitioner of RTT hypnotherapy. This is an amazing and powerful modality which is safe, and the client is always in control.

But what is RTT?

RTT uses powerful evidence-based techniques to provide people with the tools they need to make positive change. It is a personalised approach that works with clients to assist them in reframing any negative beliefs, values, habits, and emotions – many of which are carried from their childhood. It gives the client the potential to alter the way they think, to eliminate negative beliefs, enabling them to approach life in a more positive way and to move forward.

Reiki for pregnancy

Reiki is a Japanese technique that reduces stress and relaxes one’s body and mind and promotes healing energy. It is a gentle way to bring back the positive energy, balance, and deep relaxation of the body. It is the use of life force energy by a practitioner who has been attuned to it. There are many benefits during pregnancy. It can assist with insomnia, aches and pains, ease stress and worry, strengthen the mother-child bond, nausea and morning sickness and many other benefits.

Lactation Consultancy

Breastfeeding is a beautifully natural process, yet it comes with its challenges and learning curves. Understanding antenatal preparation can significantly ease the transition for both mother and child. The principles of milk supply and demand are essential; a mother’s body is wonderfully designed to adjust milk production based on her baby’s needs. Emphasising the importance of human milk, which provides all the necessary nutrients and antibodies, is crucial for newborn development.

Antenatal expressing of colostrum, a nutrient-rich pre-milk, can be beneficial, especially if there might be breastfeeding challenges post-birth. Learning correct positioning and attachment techniques ensures effective feeding and reduces discomfort. Recognising your baby’s feeding cues can also help in establishing a good breastfeeding routine early on.

My passion is to assist women and their birth partner to become knowledgeable, supported, and to gain the ability to make informed decisions about their pregnancy and birth. For them to truly trust and listen to their bodies during their pregnancy, birth, and the postpartum period.  Enabling them to have a variety of tools and skills to assist them wherever their journey takes them. 

I am looking forward to meeting you and being a part of your journey into parenthood and family life.

Pam x 

Certified by International Board of Lactation
Consultant Examiners

RTT Practitioner

Hypnobirthing Australia
Certified Practitioner